Men's Health
What factors are involved in a man's health?Through proper nutrition, which includes both a good diet and nutritional supplements, a man can maintain youthful integrity and abundant vitality in all matters of expression.
Most of the once-daily type supplements in today's marketplace do not fully take into account a man's special nutritional needs, needs resulting from aspects such as larger body size and greater physical activity levels.
This is particularly true when it comes to minerals, an essential component of nutrition. The typical once-daily supplement can be very low in mineral content, which could lull their consumers into a false sense of "mineral security;" because we all have different individual needs, those who take only a once-daily supplement may not be getting all they need for good health in one tablet.
Generally, consumers have a fairly broad knowledge of vitamins and how they work in the body but may not have the whole picture when it comes to minerals. In the body, minerals act as the major transmission junctions and switches for the electrical impulses that flow from the brain to muscle receptors sites where they "tell" the muscle what to do. Minerals are engaged in almost every physical transaction in the body. One could not breathe, eat or drink without the aid of minerals. Minerals are absolutely essential for health.
THE PROSTATE - Similar in size and texture to a chestnut, the prostate is the largest accessory gland of the male reproductive tract. The prostate slowly increases in size from birth to puberty then grows at an increased pace until a man enters his 30s. Its size then becomes stable and remains so until about age 45, when further enlargement may occur. For reasons not yet completely understood, the prostate frequently enlarges in older men.
The prostate secretes a milky, slightly acidic fluid containing enzymes that balance the acid levels of interacting fluids and help sperm motility. Although the focus of intensive, ongoing research, the prostate remains one of the body's least understood structures. It is known that the hormone testosterone stimulates zinc uptake and concentration in the prostate, which parallels its stimulation of citrate accumulation and secretion.
THE TRUTH ABOUT TESTOSTERONE - Like other androgens, testosterone produces or stimulates the development of secondary male characteristics apart from the testes, referred to as masculinization. Although testosterone is the "stuff" that makes men act "like men," women also produce and utilize this androgen in lesser amounts.
Testosterone stimulates metabolism and increases muscular strength. It accelerates tissue growth and stimulates blood flow.
It is essential for normal sexual behavior and the occurrence of erections, and normal growth and development of male accessory sexual organs. It also affects many other metabolic activities.
All steroid hormones in humans, including testosterone, are derived from cholesterol. Hormones function in a complex hierarchy. For example, although it is a steroid hormone, testosterone relies on other hormones to activate its production. Consequently, testosterone production depends on the endocrine system's efficiency.
Beta-carotene. Preferred source of vitamin A due to its non-toxic nature. Converted by body into vitamin A only as needed. An antioxidant, much like vitamins C and E, and selenium. As an antioxidant, negates effects of free-radicals.
Vitamin A. Fat-soluble nutrient important to immune system and in formation of bones, teeth and skin. Necessary for eyes, good night vision. Helps maintain outer layer of many tissues and organs; supports growth and repair of body tissues. Promotes healthy hair and vitality.
Biotin Necessary for fatty acid biosynthesis; healthy skin; and, metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Calcium. A mineral necessary for healthy bones and teeth. Also important in blood coagulation, neuromuscular excitability, cellular adhesiveness, transmission of nerve impulses, maintenance and function of cell membranes, and activation of enzyme reactions and hormone secretion.
Choline. B-complex nutrient and one of the lipotropic vitamins. Important to the metabolism and transport of fats and cholesterol. Normal nerve transmission, gall bladder function and lecithin formation also involve this nutrient. Vital for healthy hair and thymus gland.
Chromium. Involved in carbohydrate, lipid and nucleic acid metabolism. Functions in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism as a potentiator of insulin action.
Essential fatty acids. Needed for growth. Linoleic acid, the most important, must be included in the diet.
Folic acid. Essential for growth, division of cells and formation of red blood cells. Helps with reproduction. Necessary for gland and liver health.
Inositol. A lipotropic vitamin. Important for hair growth, formation of lecithin, and metabolism of fats and cholesterol.
Iodine. Essential part of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, hormones required for normal growth and development, and for maintenance of a normal metabolic rate.
Iron. Essential in permitting oxygen and electron transport and for protein metabolism, immune system resistance, growth, healthy teeth, skin, nails and bones.
Magnesium. Essential for normal metabolism of potassium and calcium. Used in tissue growth, including bone growth and turnover replacement. Plays a key role as an essential prosthetic group in at least 300 enzymatic reactions in intermediary metabolism.
Niacin. B-complex nutrient. Promotes growth and proper functioning of nervous system. In addition to role in maintaining a healthy digestive system and skin, also aids in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Pantothenic acid. Stimulates growth and contributes to energy functions. Necessary for healthy skin.
Phosphorus. Plays fundamental roles in modifying the development and maturation of bone. This mineral is also essential for the metabolism of carbohydrate, fats and protein. Because it plays a role in bone resorption, mineralization and collagen synthesis, phosphorus has an integral part in calcium homeostasis.
Selenium. Preserves tissue elasticity and works with Vitamin E. Like vitamins A, C and E, it is an anti-oxidant.
Vitamin B-1 (thiamine). Essential for nerve tissue, muscles, digestion and normal functioning of the heart. Also necessary for carbohydrate metabolism and in maintaining health of the mouth, skin, eyes and hair.
Vitamin B-2 (riboflavin). Important in the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Aids in the formation of red blood cells and antibodies. Supports healthy eyes, hair, skin and nails.
Vitamin B-6. Necessary for metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins; healthy skin, nerves and muscles; and aids in antibody formation and digestion.
Vitamin B-12. Helps form normal red blood cells and a healthy nervous system. Aids in effective metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
Vitamin C. Multiple uses: increases iron absorption, is essential for both the production of collagen and for the immune system, strengthens blood vessels, and helps maintain healthy teeth, gums and bones.
Vitamin D. Role is crucial in infancy and childhood, owing to its function in the assimilation of calcium, an essential mineral in healthy bone formation for all ages. Improves muscle strength and is essential for normal mineralization of bone and cartilage, and for healthy parathyroid glands and teeth.
Vitamin E. Protects fat-soluble vitamins and red blood cells. Works with other nutrients to help prevent blood clots; maintains healthy nerves and muscles; and strengthens capillary walls. Essential for hair, skin and mucous membranes.
Zinc. Aids in the digestion of protein and metabolism of phosphorus. Necessary for burn and wound healing, prostate gland function and carbohydrate digestion. A critical function of zinc is its role in the structure and function of biomembranes.
Dietary Suggestions
● Eat fresh foods like leafy greens, fruits and fresh juices.
● Drink plenty of water, spring or distilled water is best.
● Consume raw pumpkin seeds everyday.
● Eliminate caffeine and spicy foods.
● A low-fat, high fiber diet with whole grains is beneficial.
● Avoid red meat, fried foods, soda and acidic foods.
● Remove processed foods and junk foods from your diet.
● Maintain a high vegetable protein intake.
● Avoid meat with nitrates.
● Reduce dietary salts and sugars.
● Practice relaxation techniques.
● Get regular exercise.
● Do not smoke or drink alcohol.