Weight Management
Weight management is an area of major concern for most people. It takes an enormous amount of effort to control weight. Special attention has to be paid to diet. In addition to dietary control there is the consideration of exercise.
People actively involved in managing their own weight generally have three primary areas of importance to them. The first is weight loss. Most people realize that excess weight places an extra burden on their health.
The second concern that weight watchers have is staying at their ideal weight, once they have attained it. Again, diet is very important in this aspect. The third area of importance is making sure that personal energy levels do not drop or diminish because of starvation or other types of diets
Learning to control one’s weight requires knowledge and discipline. Often, people seek out nutritional supplements to ensure adequate nutrition during their weight loss programs. This is fine provided you know what you are taking.
There are many different dietary programs that are designed to assist a person in major weight management. Making an informed decision can be difficult when you don’t possess all of the facts.
Some weight loss programs use fiber foods to do the work. In this scenario, the focus is on reducing the actual amount of food consumed. This is accomplished by taking the fiber food product before meals. Usually it is recommended that copious amounts of water also be taken so that the water soluble fiber expands in the stomach, giving you a sense of fullness.
One supposedly unique approach to weight management is the concept of thermogenesis. Thermogenesis, in very simple terms, is the production of heat by organic action. This is something that the body has been doing since its creation. In this case, the higher heat is the result of a heightened metabolic rate. By increasing the basic metabolism of the body you “burn” up, or metabolize fat and cholesterol as well as proteins.
VITAMIN B-6 is necessary for the metabolism of fats- carbohydrates-proteins.
IODINE is an essential part of the hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones are required for normal growth and development and for maintenance of a normal metabolic state.
POTASSIUM is stored almost entirely within the lean tissues, where it serves as the dominant intracellular cation.
CHOLINE is important to the metabolism and transport of fats and cholesterol. This B complex nutrient is involved in normal nerve transmission, gall bladder regulation and lecithin formation.
INOSITOL is important for the metabolism of fats and cholesterol and for the formation of lecithin.
NIACIN is a B-complex nutrient which promotes the proper functioning of the nervous system. It participates in maintaining the health of the digestive system. It is another nutrient which aids in the healthy metabolism of fats, carbohydrates and proteins.
PANTOTHENIC ACID contributes to energy functions and is necessary for the skin.
MAGNESIUM is essential for the normal metabolism of potassium and calcium. Magnesium plays a key role as an essential prosthetic group in at least 300 enzymatic reactions in intermediary metabolism.
GREEN TEA provides powerful antioxidants called polyphenols, one of which, known as EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) is reported to aid in sugar metabolism. It also contains caffeine, theobromine and theanine.
L-METHIONINE is an amino acid that is recognized as a lipotropic nutrient. It aids in the metabolism of fats.
LECITHIN is converted in the body into choline and inositol. These two nutrients are well known for supporting fat metabolism.
Dietary Suggestions
● Eat plenty of raw foods, including fruits and vegetables, garlic and onions.
● For protein, skinless chicken and turkey and broiled fish, are best.
● Raw nuts, olive oil, tuna and trout contain essential fatty acids that are beneficial.
● Drink plenty of water especially steam distilled water.
● Cut out sugary foods, fried foods, white flour and processed foods.
● Avoid red meat and sources of animal and hydrogenated fats.
● Avoid salt.
● Avoid alcohol, tobacco, chocolate and soda.
-Avoid stress.
-Get regular moderate exercise to maintain circulation and free-flowing body metabolism.
-Get plenty of good sleep.
-If medically permitted, take hot saunas for 20 minute intervals.
-Eat smaller meals.
-Move your bowels daily.
-Put less food on your plate, and chew slowly.
-Try having a diet diary to help monitor your eating habit triggers.
-Avoid eating before bedtime.